Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Be Thou My Vision?

"To Come to be you must have vision of Being, a Dream, a Purpose, a Principle. You will become what your vision is." Peter Zarlenga As I have written repeatedly, I have a vague notion that my yoga instructor is more like my very own personal unpaid therapist. Her words are just a balm for my soul. And I am learning so much about myself. Also, my super fabulous yoga instructor has become a friend because I picked her up Omaha style. Oh yeah...I just went right up to her and hooked myself up. Julz and Leslie are such an inspiration that way, and they have such fabulously awesome friends, so I figured I would try it out too. I digress. Anyway, super fabulous Yoga instructor Jean has put me into a creative recovery program. Oh yeah, you read that right. I just happened to mention my skills as a writer and how they have pretty much gone down the toilet since marriage and children took over my life and she recommended this whole book/program that I have been following faithfully. This week puts me into a "reading deprivation" and it is killing me! I bang through a book a week! I am not reading things on facebook, emails (well, if they're relative to the kids and other's needs I have to), but I am putting down the newspaper, and NO BOOKS. OUCH! So, instead of reading right now, I'm taking a huge risk and telling you all about my recovery. And writing. Writing. Writing. Back to Jean. Friday Night Ladie's Night Out Yoga may very well be one of my very favorite things to do ever. I mean, ever. And I love to do a lot of things. One of the things from the book and the recovery program I am in says to create a vision board that can be a visual autobiography of your past, present, and futrure, depicting your hearts desires. You just rip pictures and sayings out of magazines that happen to grab your attention, and the idea is, is that eventually, if you keep at it, your heart's desires (if they aren't fully selfish) become your reality. So, following, here are some of my visions and hearts desires. Yea, I LOVE this photo. Mostly because it's how I feel pretty much most or all of the time. This is the whole vision board as it stands now. It made my soul happy to continue working on it Saturday afternoon. Maddie made one too, but her visions and hearts desires included cupcakes and baby kittens and giraffes. It was very cute.
Here is a saying, ripped from a running magazine of all things.

Metaphorically, this is a powerful picture for me. I didn't start running until a few years ago, and now I can't go a week without at least one day of running for an hour or so. The other days I use for 'training' runs, but my long runs clear my head, and it is then when I am most at peace because there is such a sense of clarity and purpose. I'm not fast. I'm not even a good runner. But my heart and my head thank me during and after the run.

This is a photo of kids in Ireland. Rolling down a hill. They looked so free. I loved that.

Here is a cabana in some beautiful tropical place. Apparently most of my hearts desires involve traveling to exotic places.

I just adore the word "Moxie". It makes me think of my daughter. Note the swimmers and the bikers in the background.

I have begun to notice a pattern with my visions. They involve a lot of water (spend time analyzing that you Freudians! Is it the fluidity of change I crave? The beauty of the ocean? The never seeing even one single inch of the ocean the same ever?) My hearts desires also depicted a lot of couple time too. Sans kids. Hmmmm.

It was a great activity. I highly recommend you do it. Don't think it over. Don't plan it out. Just grab a stack of magazines and start ripping and gluing and taping them to a poster board. You will learn a bit about what your heart desires. I promise that.

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