Friday, March 11, 2011

Five Fun Friday Facts

...about things that have been happening around here. Really, just some funny stories.

1.) Jack informed us at dinner the other night that poison dart frogs spit their babies out their mouths. He knows this is the absolute truth because he read it somewhere. He also saw in a movie called "Milo and Otis" that cats poop their babies out their butts. Either we are very urbanized here, or Disney needs to do a better job depicting the human life cycle.
2.) Nate made a racist comment/gesture last night after dinner. I was befuddled. I was horrified. Where did he hear this? School. Of course. Now, before you all get all "you should homeschool" on me, I used this as an opportunity to teach him right vs. wrong. Those are hurtful things to say, and we just don't say them. Or think them. EVER. I had to be careful not to be punitive because he didn't know he was doing anything wrong, but this was a toughie. And I told him that just because so and so at school did it didn't make it okay, and he should really tell the teacher. Repeating the behaviour is NOT an option.
3.) I made a new recipe straight from this month's Clean Eating magazine and got ingredients for 2 more culinary experiments. So far my kids think they are being poisoned by healthy food, but I can only handle the same old same old so many times. My goal is to try and introduce one new meal a week. This week I am making up for lost time. If you follow this link you will see a photo of the mag cover and that is essentially what I made for dinner. Only I did it dairy free, which may slightly alter the flavor, but it wasn't too bad. John liked it, and he is really my biggest critic. He will be honest. I don't trust those kids in the least, mostly because if it isn't peanut butter and jelly, or if the food doesn't end in -ocolate they protest.
4.) This morning I caught Nathan hiding under his comforter playing his DS. I draw the line at 6 a.m. when I can hear the stupid Mario Karting in my room and it wakes me up. This kid has a very serious addiction to screen time and I absolutely LOVE having to go all Commie Mommy on him and cut him off. I have rules. I have parameters. Apparently I speak in a language my children do not understand because my rules were made to be broken...or so they think. They ds has been confiscated for the duration of the weekend. I'm pretty sure the kid is borderline having tremors right now....
5.) I got my official USAT member sticker. I think it would look pretty hot on my mom minivan. My dad thought he was funny and told me to stick it next to my 'soccer mom' sticker. I don't have a soccer mom sticker, but he thinks it's funny that I drive a minivan and take my kids to soccer. I suppose I would cry if I wasn't laughing.....

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