Also, because I have to outsource even my blog design because I'm a techie flunkie, these aren't in order by day, but you get the idea with how much fun we had.
This is at the Moutardier marina. That's pronounced, "Moot Deer", or "Moody Deer" depending on which local you talk to. This is John in his happy place, before Maddie hooked her foot. She survived and went on to catch a 2 inch whopper of a Large Mouth Bass.
Check it out. He's so proud. It's a HUGE fish.
Jack REALLY liked fishing. He caught at least four. I think.
Okay, so after we left Mammoth Cave to get to our cottage, we had to cross the Green River via Ferry. We did not know this until we were there. Also, the GRF holds 3 cars, but luckily there was not a lot of traffic.
When we pulled up and saw the sign we followed directions.
This is a photo from one of the caves; Diamond Caverns. I don't have a lot of Cave photos because it's hard to take pics in a dark tunnel, but this was so cool. It's an altar where people would get married. They were probably hippies looking for something wavy gravy, but it's still a neat concept.
This is the crew inside Mammoth Cave. They really couldn't move because the shutter speed had to go so slow. They weren't happy about it either.
Okay, so, this is Wigwam Village.
Which is really a bunch of concrete tents with toilets and showers. The kids thought it was cool though. Also, we ran into people that live about 10 minutes from us in the next town North. They had based their entire vaca on this place (I found it sufficient to sleep there one night just to say we did it). Apparently, there was something on the travel channel about this place. Who knew?
At the National Park there are a lot of wild turkeys, I'm guessing that's the where the name for the booze came from.
The view looking up as we entered a cave.
There's a cave called "The Lost River". You ride a boat and take a tour. You have to duck really low too, because the ceiling comes down so freakishly low. It's a little frightening.
This cave was also a bar in the 30's because it was cool and air conditioned.
Here's the gang looking at where Honest Abe probably took his first drink of water, it's called Sinking Springs.
A Trail at Lincoln's Birth Home. Where's Nate? Oh...killing bugs and pouting because he doesn't want to go on the .3mile hike.
Look close. It is a beetle getting eaten by ants. Nate's favorite moment of the whole vacation.
They look thrilled to be on a hike with their mother, don't they?
It was a great vacation. I enjoyed it. And John just kept talking about Disney....I think he's ready to go back. Until then, I'm looking at other random sites in random states to go visit. Maybe Savannah one day. Maybe Utah. Maybe Yellowstone. But not the Grand Canyon. We agreed that unti lthere is a guardrail that goes all the way around the canyon Nate is not allowed to go. Never.
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