Thursday, July 29, 2010

Off to Kentucky

I'm only going to be able to post a few day by days about Kentucky because, see, I'm leaving my family tomorrow. Only for a weekend, but I'm leaving them nonetheless. I'm heading to Omaha to do an Olympic Distance Tri, so as excited as you will be for all of my KY breakdown, you may have to wait a few days. Just so's we're all together on this, an Olympic Distance is a 1 mile swim, 24 mile bike, and a 6 mile run. After the race there is a post party (after you've had time to nap of course, since the race starts at 6 a.m., and the party starts at 5 p.m.) If you want to read more in a very articulate fashion about tris, go visit Leslie at

Our first day in Kentucky was spent in Louisville. We visited the baseball bat museum, Churchill Downs, and took in a triple A minor league game. Very much fun. This is a beautiful stadium by the way. The kids had told John while we were driving that they didn't want to go to a baseball game because "Mom doesn't let us have any good snacks". WHAT THE????? So I made it a point to get some cool mom points. Sure it was 100 degrees and humid. But they got their cotton candy.

The Museum and Factory store are so cool. You can't take pics on the actual tour because we could have been spies for Rawling's. I don't really understand the concept of that, since everything is done by a computer calibrated machine and aren't those all the same, really? We DID get to see Derek Jeter's bats being made, so that was pretty cool.

Of course we had to visit our Sista's in Skirts. John is terrible with the camera. He always covers the flash with his hands, but you get the idea. As the trip went on he got slightly better at it.

Did you know that in the majors the team covers the cost of your bat, but in the minors you pay your own way? Interesting fact.

Here are some things I learned about Kentucky. The people there are very nice. They really are. But if you want to live there, you have to take up a 2 pack a day smoking habit and get tatooed. I'm not talking about cute or symbolic tatooes either. I'm talking you need the confederate flag pasted somewhere conspicuously on your body. I think it's slightly racist, but hey, when in Rome, right? Also, if you're a lady, none of those little hearts or butterflies or what have you. You need 8x10 portraits on both thighs. It doesn't matter of who. Or maybe it does. I think one of your tatooes has to be of Jesus.
And when you are driving in the south, there are bilboards everywhere, reminding you that "Jesus Saves" and God is Watching. I'm not the greatest driver to begin with, but thoughts like that are slightly nervewracking.
More tomorrow on our awesome trip. Maybe. I've got to start getting my things together for my big trip.

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